
010: 'Princess Poo-Poo-Ly Has Plenty Pa-Pa-Ya'
Sheet Music Cover, from the Thirties in matted print or poster format. Ah, Princess Poopooly... Sounds like she got many a heart ticking faster at the thought of her papaya. While we've never heard Ms. Poopooly's song sung, we wouldn't be surprised if it was set to a score of double-entendres, in line with the premise of this whimsical sheetmusic cover illustration.

20 x 28 inch Poster on Paper $49.95
20 x 28 inch Poster on Canvas $89.95
16 x 20 inch Poster on Paper $39.95
16 x 20 inch Poster on Canvas $69.95
The vintage Hawaiian image on the left is also available in other sizes, in standard or deluxe quality, matted or unmatted, framed or unframed, from our brand new Hawaiian tropical art decor website.
or view standard quality prints on regular paper, canvas, and display options.
or view deluxe quality prints on highest quality paper, canvas, and display options.