Looking for pictures of Waikiki surfing? Or cool black and white surfing posters to decorate your kid's bedroom with? Images of Duke Kahanamoku and his famous Hawaiian wood longboard? Vintage surfing posters, or women surfing? Hawaiian Days has collected a portfolio of old time Hawaiian surfing that includes Mid-Pacific carnival surfing posters and the famous Panam Fly to Hawaii by Clipper poster with Waikiki surfers, flying fish, and Diamond Head. These vintage surf posters, some derived from an old Moana Hotel labels, or Ocean Navigation Company passenger list covers, or 'Fly Hawaii by Panam' airlines posters, or the illustrated Paradise of the Pacific magazine covers and content. We have your surfing memoribilia, such as surfing magazine covers, surfing labels and more Although Hawaii’s climate makes it ideal for its citizens to practise their favorite sports, no sport is associated with Hawaii the way surfing is. This original pastime activity of native Hawaiians has gained worldwide appeal and grown into a popular sport. Hawaii, and especially Oahu’s North Shore with its occasional 20ft. waves, has remained the surfer’s mecca. >>> View All Prints
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