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Naturally, if there were a paradise on earth every minstrel in the world would sing about it. In fact, throughout the ages minstrels have done exactly that, waxing lyrical about promised lands wherever they lay. So, when such a paradise by the name Hawaii actually turned out to exist every crooner from Harry Owens to Bing Crosby to Elvis Presley dedicated a song or two to her.
Our sheetmusic covers offer a glimpse into the talents of those that sung the virtues of Hawaii in all its splendor, either real or imaginedas some titles are so outrageous one seriously doubts the inspired songwriter ever set foot on Hawaii soil.
Nevertheless, with titles going as far back as the early twenties sheetmusic has gathered serious appeal with the collector of Hawaiian nostalgia.
Hawaiian Days is the premier publisher of Hawaiian prints and posters based on vintage Hawaiian sheet music. These images reflect more than any other the lure that Hawaii had on the world, as expressed through song and music, often composed by musicians and their sheet music covers illustrated by artists many of whom had never visited Hawaii. Ultimately, they helped create the dream that would bring millions to these islands. Click Hawaii sheetmusic images for more detail. learn more